Your Friends Are Neglected
, habits
I am not talking about your Instagram friends. I am not talking about you Facebook friends. I am not talking about your childhood friends.

I am talking about the friends who supports your way of life. I am talking about animals, insects and plant life. These are your true friends who work 24/7 to keep your home clean and safe. Every day you stress your friends. Every day they smile naively at your garbage and waste water hoping they will be able to cleanup your mess before the end of the day. It is a harsh reality, but not all your friends survives and are slowly decaying. Waste water is not drinking water when dumped in the ocean. Garbage is not plant matter when dumped in the landfill.

What could you do to reduce the amount of garbage each day?
What could you do to produce cleaner waste water each day?

Please give your friends a thought each day and think of habits you could change today.