Excessive Needs For X
, habits
For many decades we have been told about the incoming doom of global warming, peak oil and lesser forest. A doom slowly getting more real for every passing year. A doom which we are trying to accept, ignore or innovate to avoid. A doom which share the symptoms of imbalance. An imbalances which has been off for many decades as we strive toward the goal of possession to support all of our needs. Needs for survival, needs for happiness and needs for show. All this directly impact the world you live in. We borrow and transform what the world provides into products that we possess and enjoy. This is the way of life. The world provides from which we live off, but the modern way of life has increased our borrowing too the degree of imbalance.

You may believe that someone will fix all of the above. You may believe that some day that peak oil is resolved, that global warming just vanishes or that the world forests are back in action. That is an illusion if we continue to strive toward the goal of possession. We may be able to innovate and reduce the amount of resources we borrow from the world, but it does not solve our imbalanced need for more, better and faster. The real change is to reduce the amount of possessions and still be able to survive and be happy.

Do you really need three televisions?
Do you really need the extra bucket of nasty chemicals that kills more than needed?
Do you really need two cars?
Do you really need the latest grill?
Do you really need to update your phone every year?
Do you really need 5 different brands of facial products?

Please take a break next time you need to buy something and ask yourself if you really need it. The reason I ask this of you is that your choice does not require long political discussions, it does not require multi country consensus plans or it does not require industry acceptance. Your choice requires one simple question:

"Do I really need this?"

Knowing that your choice will affect the world one way or another.

"But the latest television is so nice. The features, the pixels, the framerate. It is the best. I need it"

Yes and if every 7.9 billion people said that every time a new television is out.

"But not every person got a television"

I do not know and it does not matter when you are counting in billions. Multiply any product with a billion and the borrowing from the world is excessive.

We all live together on our finite world. Lets take care of it and make a direct impact for a better world.

Please use less if you can still be happy and please take better care of the world today than you did yesterday.